Monday, February 01, 2021, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Hits : 130
We have an amazing network of supporters, contributors and friends,
including career coaches, recruiters, reemployment organizations, and
specialists in most every aspect of the job search. They send us a steady
stream of valuable information and very helpful tips curated from a wide
range of sources, such as Forbes, Harvard Business, Wall Street Journal,
New York Times and countless career and job search-related websites
It’s too much to post in the PROSPECT, so from time to time we’ll use
our weekly meeting to alert you to what’s available and share the
links so you can easily access whichever would be most helpful to
you. This Monday will include everything from remote jobs and
new hybrid careers to applying when unemployed and
networking when there are no-networking events.
10 am • Monday • Feb. 1st, 2021
Location - Zoom meeting