Monday, August 10, 2020, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Hits : 116
Over the past 20 weeks, we’ve made very good use of
our time online. We’ve heard from speakers on the growing
remote jobs market, succeeding virtually with recruiters and
how best to network in a virtual world. We’ve shared inside
info on cutting unemployment insurance red tape. And we’ve
conducted mini-tutorials on plusing your LinkedIn page, using
Zoom tools and looking good on video.
With no end to Covid-19 in sight, we’d like to hear your“what if”
ideas for future meetings. Got any interesting speakers to suggest?
What else might we do that would be helpful to you? For
instance, what if we could arrange online informational
interviews for our entire group with certain companies?
That’s certainly more possible than seeing pigs fly.
Location - Zoom meeting