Events Calendar

Monday, August 03, 2020, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Hits : 116

Last week, thanks to Nancy Branka, we got to peak around
the corner at 12 apps coming on fast that you may very well
come face-to-face with on your next job or in a future career.
Some are very occupationally related, but a couple in particular
clearly have broad applications and could be very useful for almost
any kind of work you do. This also makes it very likely they will
emerge in everyday usage – and very soon. They’re relatively
easy to learn, free and could be just the ticket to landing a new
job or launching a new career. Since we didn’t have a chance
to take a walk-through tour of them last week, so join us
for a closer look this meeting.
        10 am • Monday • August 03, 2020
To attend, simply click on this link Monday morning at 10 am:

Tutorial & Tips on Using Zoom:  [LINK]
Location - Zoom meeting
