Monday, February 10, 2020, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Hits : 217
HOST: Lana Scott/ Diane Greer |
Second Hour Guest Speaker: Vanessa Ioannides, Nelson Staffing
TOPIC: Temp Work and Beyond: Utilizing a Recruiter in your job search
SUMMARY: Working with a staffing agency like Nelson can do more that provide you with cash flow during your job search. It can help you get your foot in the door with employers who may turn out to be a good fit for you. Along with a job search tips, learn about the recruitment process at Nelson Staffing in San Rafael and the ways you can benefit.
ABOUT Vanessa: With a BA in Sociology, an MA in Career Development and a Certificate in HR Management, Vanessa has over 8 years’ experience in career counseling and coaching. Over the past 2 years, she’s served as a recruitment manager at Nelson Staffing in San Rafael, working with a range of private, nonprofit and government employers in Marin and beyond. |
Location - Northgate Mall Community Room, 5800 Northgate Drive, San Rafael CA 94903