Events Calendar

Monday, January 13, 2020, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Hits : 307

HOST:  Lana Scott
Second Hour Guest Speaker:  RANDY BLOCK
TOPIC:   The 4th Industrial Revolution: The Skills You Need to Succeed in the Jobs Market for 2020 & Beyond

SUMMARY: The 3rd Industrial Revolution – the digital age building on the internet – is now climaxing and transitioning to a 4th Industrial Revolution which focuses on harnessing technologies such as artificial intelligence, the “internet of things” and others. Technology is advancing so fast that about 5 million jobs will likely be replaced by some form of automation in 2020. But the explosion of new fields is also creating new job markets requiring a new set of skills to secure employment – about 10 skills to be exact. As you’ll see, while some new tech know-how is needed, you won’t have to become a “geek” to succeed. Half the needed skills are “cognitive,” about how you think, half are “relational,” about how you connect with others. We’ll conclude by reviewing the top 5 sectors and the 10 most in-demand jobs for 2020.

ABOUT : Randy Block’s career expertise includes 30 years of high-tech executive searches and over 18 years of coaching experience. He works with professionals in the areas leadership improvement, career management and positioning, job search and portfolio career development. 
A graduate in business from Cornell University, he holds numerous coaching certificates from prestigious coaching organizations. He also serves as a staffing and leadership consultant for high tech startup companies. He is a Managing Partner with Quinault Capital and a member of The Forbes Coaching Council.
Location - Northgate Mall Community Room, 5800 Northgate Drive, San Rafael CA 94903
