Monday, October 14, 2019, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Hits : 150
Second Hour Guest Speaker: Ulrika Brattemark
TOPIC: “From Overwhelmed to Focused Action”
SUMMARY: In this engaging 60-minute interactive-workshop presentation, you will learn an effective way to move from feeling overwhelmed to a more focused, sane and fulfilling daily life. At the end of the workshop and presentation, you'll have a detailed action plan for one of your initiatives as well as tools that'll help you stay focused and ready to implement. This approach will set you up to succeed in getting more of the RIGHT things done. You'll learn: • How to apply dynamic principles to your personal task prioritization • How to structure your to-do's into visually accessible and focused format • How to stay focused and accomplish what you have committed to • Where to find more support for implementing these tools and principles
About: Drawing from her corporate and multi-national experiences, combined with an innate fascination about how we "work,” Ulrika helps people see how to remove obstacles and actually reach their most important career goals. Ulrika offers insightful and thought-provoking ideas and practical, straightforward tools that can be implemented in our daily lives, connecting actions with our bigger goals, starting right away! When designing her programs and presentations, Urika leverages her expertise from her prior roles as Business Analyst, Agile Coach, Yoga Teacher and Expressive Arts Practitioner, always aiming to provide the most dynamic and useful tools for her audience.
Location - Northgate Mall Community Room, 5800 Northgate Drive, San Rafael CA 94903