Events Calendar

Marin Pros Meeting
Monday, April 02, 2018, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Hits : 79

 PRESENTER:  Beth Milwid, PhD

TOPIC: Find Your Life Work at Any Age
Dr. Milwid will present an exciting new approach to career planning and job search, an approach that can be used by professionals of any age.  Dr. Beth will outline the three-step process she’s developed for clients: 1) creating a “family org chart” to uncover long-standing interests; 2) analyzing current skills and work preferences; and 3) identifying and landing jobs that meet the individual’s unique needs.  Dr. Beth will also share her personal beliefs about careers that begin with the sentence, “I’ve never met a person who isn’t gifted.” 

Dr. Milwid is a psychologist who specializes in career and job search coaching, university teaching, and executive education.  Beth graduated Phi Beta Kappa Magna Cum Laude from Stanford University and completed a PhD in Social/Clinical Psychology at the Wright Institute in Berkeley.  She currently teaches at the College of Marin and Sonoma State University and has a private career coaching practice in Marin. She has worked as a career consultant at outplacement firms in San Francisco and Silicon Valley.  In her private practice, she has helped more than 200 people find new opportunities. Her clients ranged from engineers to attorneys and from administrative assistants to nonprofit executives. Dr. Beth served as a training manager at Apple Computer and senior manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young.  She is the author of Working With Men, the first oral history  of American women in business.  She has appeared on Larry King, Good Morning America, NPR, and CNN and spoken at conferences and universities across the country.
Location - Northgate Mall Community Room, 5800 Northgate Drive, San Rafael CA 94903
