Monday, January 22, 2018, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Hits : 132
PRESENTER:Abby Kohut, "Absolutely Abby"
TOPIC: "Success for the Seasoned Search…The Benefit of Being Overqualified"SUMMARY: Many seasoned job seekers find themselves being called overqualified because they have more years of experience than the job description calls for. Learn powerful strategies to overcome your interviewer's misconceptions about you. It's impossible to BE overqualified unless YOU believe you ARE overqualified. In this seminar, you will learn: :How to answer the overqualified questionThe REAL reason why recruiters AND hiring managers are concerned about hiring overqualified applicantsHow to change your cover letter and resume if you believe you are overqualifiedSeven ways to explain on an interview why being overqualified is an advantageHow to handle the “age factor”Abby Kohut, who is known in the job search world as Absolutely Abby, is the President of Staffing Symphony, LLC and author of "Absolutely Abby's 101 Job Search Secrets." In the past 22 years, Abby held corporate recruiting positions in a variety of industries and is responsible for helping 10,000 people get hired.
Her website, which was selected as one of the “Top 100 Websites for Your Career” by Forbes, teaches candidates secrets the Absolute truth about the job search process that other recruiters won't tell you. was also mentioned on CNBC as one of three top websites for career changers.
Abby is one of the “Top 100 Influential People Online” according to Fast Company Magazine and is known as "Ask Abby" on LinkedIn. She has provided job search tips on SiriusXM, Fox 5, NBC, CBS, ABC, Monster, Real Simple, The Ladders, Bloomberg Radio, and Forbes.
Recently, CEOWORLD Magazine rated Abby “One of the Top 25 Women for your Job Search” and Business News Daily rated @Absolutely_Abby as "One of Top 10 Twitter Accounts Every Jobseeker Should Follow". Since 2012, Abby has been on a mission to help one million job seekers and is currently driving & flying around the USA on a nationwide tour to accomplish that goal.
Location Northgate Mall Community Room, 5800 Northgate Drive, San Rafael CA 94903