Events Calendar

Marin Pros Meeting
Monday, October 09, 2017, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Hits : 61
TOPIC: “Into the Future: Video Interviewing/Conferencing”

SUMMARY: As video conferencing becomes more popular for job interviews, come find out how to succeed, and what to avoid with this relatively new technology. Like it or not, digital interviews are an increasing reality. A recent survey by workforce consulting firm, Ladders, reports that 60% of applicants participated in a video conference, more than twice the number as the year before. 

While one still wants to prepare for a video interview in traditional ways, be aware that the way communication is conveyed in video interviews is 55% via human face, 38% tone of voice and only 7% from words that are said. Learn how to make yourself comfortable as the actor, director and producer of an event that allows you to create your own storyline.

Diane Greer is a LinkedIn Consultant and Career Coach. Her mediation work has been profiled in the Wall Street Journal and on CBS, Good Morning America. She was a top producing real estate agent from 2002 to 2004 and saved 100's of homes from foreclosure while doing Foreclosure Intervention Counseling. Another of her passions is Restorative Justice, Victim-Offender Reconciliation Mediation.
Location - Northgate Mall Community Room, 5800 Northgate Drive, San Rafael CA 94903
