Events Calendar

Linked Local Brown Bag Lunch
Tuesday, January 24, 2017, 11:30am - 01:00pm
Hits : 98

Linked Local Marin County Brown Bag Lunch

TOPIC: “Search Engine Marketing — Get Found the Moment It Matters”
PRESENTERS: Lauraine Bacon, Ryan Milani and Marty Rubino

Marketing is all about relevance and delivery. It's about getting your message out to the right people at the right time. This presentation is aimed to help you raise your chances of getting found by your prime prospects online.

Lauraine Bacon, Ryan Milani and Marty Rubino of Big Cat Advertising will discuss best practices to accomplish that goal. Lauraine Bacon has over 20 years experience helping small businesses with a variety of marketing services. Director of Search & Digital Presence, Ryan Milani earned his MBA at Dominican University and is a Google Certified Search Specialist. Marty Rubino is Big Cat's founder and former Marin Independent Journal Publisher. Big Cat Advertising is donating an introductory digital ad campaign to one lucky person who attends this event.

This is a free Brown Bag Lunch Speaker Series organized by Linked Local Marin County. We are grateful to our hosts the Marin Builder's Association for providing the space for this event. (PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN THE MBA PARKING LOT OR ADJACENT LOTS; kindly cross the street and park in the lot at the Northgate Mall.)

Limited seating; RSVP here.

Location Marin Builders Association 660 Las Gallinas Avenue , San Rafael, CA 94903
